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Following your dreams is possible! Here are 10 reasons to do it

July 6, 2022 - 12 min read


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10 reasons to start following your dreams now

6 ways to start following your dreams

What to avoid while following your dreams

Quotes about dreams that will keep you going

Haters are going to hate

If you catch yourself daydreaming during the workday, you’re not alone. We all think about following our dreams sometimes. But how do you know if you should actually go for it? 

Maybe you want to finally travel the world. Or you can’t stop thinking about starting your own business. Whatever your dream is, the idea of actually following that dream can be terrifying. Instead of doing what you really want, you may feel like you need to meet the expectations of others. 

However, connecting with your true self is more than worth it. Studies show that living as your authentic self can help you find more meaning in life, among other benefits. People who refuse to follow their dreams for fear of what others think are missing out on life.

Research has clearly shown that people are far more likely to regret what they didn’t do, than what they did. We tend to think that if we push down or ignore our dreams, they’ll go away. The truth? At the end of your life, you’re almost sure to wonder why you never followed your dreams.

The good news is that you can still go for it. It might be scary, but if you believe in yourself, you’re unstoppable. Plus, the benefits of following your dreams far outweigh the cons. 

Here are ten reasons you should face your fears and start following your dreams.

10 reasons to start following your dreams now

  1. You’ll regret it later. When you’re older, you may ruminate on what could have been. By then, changing courses will be more complicated. You’ll be struggling to make up for the lost time. (It isn’t impossible, though, and it’s never too late to follow your dreams).
  2. You might discover something unexpected. There’s no guarantee you will achieve your dreams — and sometimes that’s a good thing. You’ll learn something about yourself and be happier because of it. You might even discover a new dream in the process.
  3. You’ll step out of your comfort zone. You’ll try new things, gain new skills, and become a well-rounded person. This is how you grow. 
  4. You’ll make mistakes. But this is how you learn and ultimately become the best version of yourself. Fear of failure will only hold you back, so don’t be afraid to make a few missteps. If you’re following your dreams, you’ll have an easy time finding inspiration get up and keep going. 
  5. You can inspire others. Eventually, young people and even your friends will ask how you made it to where you are. You can encourage them to pursue their own dreams, too. 
  6. You get to make your own rules. Life is full of arbitrary limits on what we can do. Set your own rules and live life by them. You’ll feel free once you shed others’ expectations and start doing what you truly want. 
  7. You’ll be happier. There’s nothing more fulfilling than living the life you always wanted. Pick an end goal, make a plan, and make your dreams happen — that’s an amazing way to find true happiness. Plus, pursuing something that aligns with your values will undoubtedly lead to greater success
  8. You’ll feel better at work. Every job has its challenges. But, when you’re working toward your dream, they’ll be much easier to deal with. Even if it’s just a side hustle, following your dreams can transform your attitude about your professional life. 
  9. You’ll find your people. Something magical happens when you start chasing your dreams: you meet others doing the same thing. You will find the people with whom you belong.
  10. You’ll feel like your life is complete. You’ll feel inner peace when everything fits together. Instead of living to please others or taking the beaten path, you’ll know that you got the most out of life. That’s why people follow their dreams. 


You need a lot of courage to build a happy life. We often focus on the reasons not to do something, so we must train ourselves to focus on the positive.

If you need help finding the courage to follow your dreams, reach out for support. Having an objective outsider can help you set clear goals and stay accountable to yourself. Once you have a plan, there’s no telling what you can accomplish.

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6 ways to start following your dreams

You might feel like you’re stuck in a rut. Inertia sets in, and you resign to staying where you are. Don’t let that happen. 

Here’s how you can start making progress toward your dreams.

  1. Have a clear vision. Be specific. Paint a clear picture of how you want to change your life. Here are some questions to consider:
  • What time do you want to get up in the morning?
  • What does your morning routine look like?
  • What kind of dress code do you want for work?
  • Are you working in an office or outdoors?
  • Do you meet with your team every morning, deciding how to tackle the day? Or maybe you work independently? 
  • Do you see yourself helping people directly or working diligently in the background?
  • After work, what’s your preferred routine?
  • What kind of home and neighborhood do you want to live in?

Describe your ideal for every aspect of your daily life. This will motivate you to work towards following your dreams. 

  1. Meet people who have achieved what you want. Buy them a coffee and ask how they got there. You might gain a mentor who has already achieved what you’re hoping to who can help you on your journey.
  2. Practice future-oriented thinking. Make a list of milestones and achieve them step by step. Positive thinking is the key to accept this as a long-term pursuit and stay on track.
  3. Set achievable goals. How will you meet your milestones? Set long and short-term goals that will inch you closer to your dreams. Make sure to track them and celebrate each small step. And dividing your long-term goals into manageable steps will keep you motivated.
  4. Accept that setbacks are inevitable. Life is full of twists and turns. Don't give up. Hard work and resilience will help you when times get tough. And what seems like a setback might turn into a great opportunity as your plans evolve and you learn more about yourself. 
  5. Help others along the way. Following your dream is more rewarding if you can lift others up. Find your community and support each other. It feels great to celebrate each other’s wins, further motivating you to keep going.


What to avoid while following your dreams

Many things can pull you off track when you’re pursuing your dreams. Watch out for these pitfalls.

  1. Negative self-talk. Pay attention to your thoughts. Stop yourself when you hear words like “I’m not good enough” or “I can’t do it.” You might not be able to do it right now — but you will one day. Use positive self-talk to protect your well-being.
  2. Toxic people. Don't let naysayers talk you out of your dreams. They have their own problems, and they’re simply projecting them onto you.
  3. Bad motives. Avoid looking for external validation. Fame, fortune, and love are no replacement for your sense of self-worth. Pursue what makes you happy and nothing else.
  4. Quitting. Your dreams might change as you grow older but always pursue something. Life stagnates when you decide to settle.


Quotes about dreams that will keep you going

There’s no shortage of inspiration out there. Here are some of our favorite quotes about following your dreams.

  • “The biggest adventure you can ever take is to live the life of your dreams.” - Oprah Winfrey
  • “Don’t dream your life, but live your dream.” - Mark Twain
  • “If you can dream it, you can make it so.” - Belva Davis
  • “A winner is a dreamer who never gives up.” - Nelson Mandela
  • “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” - Eleanor Roosevelt
  • “Each dream you leave behind is a part of your future that will no longer exist.” - Steve Jobs


Haters are going to hate

Everyone in your life will have an opinion about your dreams. Some will offer valuable advice while others will try to stop you. Only one person’s opinion matters: yours. Keep this in mind as you start following your dreams.

Take the first step towards pursuing your dreams by investing in yourself.  BetterUp can help you get clarity and gain the skills you need to achieve your goals.

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Published July 6, 2022

Elizabeth Perry

Content Marketing Manager, ACC

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