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Member story: developing communication skills and owning the spotlight

December 9, 2020 - 2 min read

Kheyla is a Global Account Manager 

What motivated you to focus on Communication?

I was getting more exposure with leadership, being asked to present in both small and large group settings. Personally, I wanted to be more authentic and speak honestly in a tactful way, even when others disagreed.

What steps did you take to improve?

I started by reading books on public speaking. I also worked with friends and colleagues who sent me some great resources.

Then, I practiced, practiced, and practiced some more. I practiced alone in my apartment, with my friends before events, in my hotel rooms before I went on stage, on the plane to events - you name it, I practiced there!

What was the outcome of your work?

I’m more confident and comfortable being in the spotlight, and leading teams and projects. I'm conscious of ensuring everyone is able to speak up and using a variety of tactics to engage them (whiteboarding, allowing people outside of the room on the phone to speak first). I know that being prepared for me is a key driver for success. When I'm unable to be prepared and am put on the spot I have more self-compassion and am able to accept that it may not be perfect, but I'm being asked because I have something to share.

Any tips for others working on a similar topic?

Practice solo and build up the confidence to engage with others and speak your truth! It makes a big difference.

Published December 9, 2020

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