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More than money: When it comes to goals, can thinking like a millionaire help?

January 27, 2023 - 15 min read


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What are the habits of a  millionaire mindset?

6 pro tips to achieving the millionaire mindset

Thinking like a millionaire

If you follow any influencers (or pay attention to social media at all), you’ve probably heard someone mention the millionaire mindset. It’s a staple of hustle culture. People casually mention having a millionaire mindset or tell you that you need one, but what exactly does that mean? Is it something people learn on their own? 

A millionaire mindset is not actually about making a million dollars. It’s not even about your net worth, living in a penthouse in New York, real estate, financial security, or your bank account.

To those who swear by it, a millionaire mindset is about focusing on changing your life — starting with your perspective — to accomplish the goals you've always dreamed of achieving. It's no small task, either. You must encourage purposeful habits and ways of thinking daily.

The idea is that millionaires live in a place of abundance that lets them experience greater success and confidence. If you want to achieve your goals, you start by behaving as if you already have. In that space, your success fuels more success.

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What are the habits of a  millionaire mindset?

What do you have to do to have a millionaire mindset? Here are 10 habits of “millionaire thinking” for you to try out:

1. Focus on your goals

If you don't have your goals on your mind, how are you supposed to reach them? Your goals could be financial growth, more robust well-being, a particular career path, or any other dream. Make a habit of thinking about what you want to achieve. (On average, forming a habit takes 66 days.) 

Once you have your goals in mind, write them down and keep them where you'll see them often. They'll always be there to remind you what you're working for, even on tough days.

2. Get comfortable with always learning

People often need to remember that the world always offers you something to be a beginner at and start fresh. When working toward objectives, you may have to switch up strategies. Learning to adapt to constantly new changes might help you realize that your practices weren't beneficial before.

Small skills help as well. Take note of all the new skills you learn and be proud of how you've continued to push forward.

3. Put yourself out there

You can't achieve your goals by never leaving the house or talking to anyone. Networking and paying attention to how you present yourself are essential. If you're trying out a business pitch, you need to be confident while expressing your passion.

People recognize and remember bold, passionate, and courageous individuals speaking about their goals. Networking can help you connect with like-minded individuals who share the same drive as you. Making friends at work also turns colleagues into peers, which increases employee engagement

freelancer doing her work on laptop from cafe

4. Be patient

It can be frustrating to feel like you’re hustling without being rewarded, but don't let this deter you from focusing on what you want in life. You can’t change your life in a week. It's okay if you don't meet your personal development goals when you’d hoped.

Good things take time, and just because things don’t always happen when you want them to doesn't mean they never will.

5. Accept mistakes as they come

To grow and learn, you have to make mistakes. You shouldn't look at mistakes as things to avoid at all costs, but instead, as opportunities to learn from.

Remember, too, that there’s a difference between sloppy mistakes (avoid these) and plans that don’t work out but give you more information and insight to try a new tactic.

Failures are opportunities to learn about yourself and your team and offer a great way to develop new skills for the future. Instead of dwelling on your mistakes, reflect on them, and accept them as you continue to grow.

6. Don't forget about sleep

To do our best work, we need to be well-rested. We all have busy days, but catching up on sleep helps our minds and body. It can be easy to stay up late and push ourselves too hard when our to-do list is full, but this isn't sustainable.

Even when you think an extra hour of work will get you closer to your goals, it will likely further exhaust you and harm productivity. Next time this happens, make the mindful choice of sleep. A well-rested body and mind will make you more motivated and ready to start your day.

7. Keep growth in mind

Professional and personal growth is inevitable as you’re working towards your goals. Keeping a growth mindset during your journey to success is crucial to remind you of your beginning. 

If your goals are long-term, take the time and review your progress. Not only will you feel a sense of accomplishment, but you'll be more motivated too. If you're ever discouraged, dividing your goals into several tasks can make your progress feel more tangible. 

Growth doesn't come overnight and without hard work, which you've done. Thinking about your growth will give you a sense of pride that you should cherish. 

businessman in white shirt sitting and writing report on piece of paper

8. Stop making excuses for yourself

Excuses will hold you back from pushing forward and achieving your goals. Do you have a problem? Try out some time-tested problem-solving techniques. Try to address problems instead of blaming your setbacks on other factors or complaining.

Work with a trusted coach or mentor to understand what is holding you back or causing an issue. Focus on making behavior changes to create change for yourself.

Whether that means asking for help, changing your approach, or even taking a break, remember that the worst thing you can do is let your excuses consume you. 

9. Learn to invest

When it comes to financial success, the secret of the millionaire’s mind is simple: don’t lose money. Take your future seriously by prioritizing your financial wellness and setting financial goals that focus on investing over spending.

If you need to take financial risks like laying out capital, feel confident the expense will bring returns. Do your research and work closely with successful business people, heeding their advice. 

10. Adopt a “now” mentality

While patience is indeed a virtue, one of the habits of wealthy people is jumping at new opportunities.

While some of these will mean temporary financial losses, there will also be fewer revenue-based opportunities, such as speaking at events and volunteering to help a startup.

The more experiences you have and the more connected you are, the greater your chances of developing personally and professionally. 

Businesspeople working together in the office

6 pro tips to achieving the millionaire mindset

Everyone wants to know the biggest, most effective tips on achieving the millionaire mindset, but the most important tips to keep in mind aren't telling you to buy certain products. They’re about honing in on the new lifestyle this mindset brings you.

1. Believe in yourself

The millionaire mindset isn't something you can follow for three days and then reap the benefits forever. It may take more time than you'd hoped. Believe in your ability to reach your goals one day. Remember that you're doing your best, and that's all you can ask for when trying to become the millionaire next door. 

2. Be respectful along the way

As you go through this lifestyle change, you're bound to encounter some frustrating times and people. It's okay to feel annoyed or disappointed, but try your best to be as respectful as you can.

Once you reach your goals, it'll make you feel more accomplished knowing that you respected everyone who helped you along the way. 

3. Turn “I can’t” into “I will”

You won’t try at something if you don’t believe you’re capable of doing it. Self-prophesize success by telling yourself you’ll achieve your goals as often as possible. Repeat this positive affirmation every day and more often in moments of doubt.

And don’t let setbacks deter you — you’ll achieve your goals, but the road isn’t linear.

elegant businesswoman sitting on terrace and smiling

4. Never trust luck

Confidence and a fantastic career trajectory aren’t everything, so always plan for contingencies. Envision worst-case scenarios, create a plan for dealing with them, and work hard to avoid them. For example, times of economic uncertainty mean financial setbacks like layoffs or recession are possible.

Save more than your budget requires to ensure you’re prepared for anything.

5. Think big!

Creating a clear goal and attributing every daily task to this objective’s progress will help you stay motivated and understand why you’re working so hard. Remind yourself of this vision when you’re feeling stuck or forget your purpose to ignite enthusiasm and energy. 

6. Keep love in mind

It’s easy to lose sight of what’s most important — like your mental health or relationships — when you’re working so hard. But your well-being depends on your social health. Research shows that strong social connections are linked to longer life, reduced stress, and improved heart health.

Keep friends, family, and coworkers in mind as you work toward your goals. They’ll inspire you, you’ll encourage them, and this focus on love will propel you forward.

Thinking like a millionaire

Developing a millionaire mindset isn’t an overnight process. It involves vision, passion, and an incredible amount of hard work. Have patience and foresight, and know that any setbacks are normal and offer a learning experience.

If you’re clear about your goals and maintain focus, confidence and financial freedom are well within reach.

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Published January 27, 2023

Elizabeth Perry

Content Marketing Manager, ACC

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